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6 Things That You Should Learn From Your Comprehensive Exam

When you get a comprehensive exam, there are 6 things that you should learn from your exam.  When I do an exam for a new client, it is my personal mission to make sure you have no questions when we are done and you can understand WHY you need myofunctional therapy. It’s no good for me to just say it……I need you to understand why you need therapy and to also see the value in doing therapy.

The 6 things that I cover in this video regarding your comprehensive exam are:

  1. Why you may have tension and poor posture.
  2. Why you might grind your teeth and have poor sleep.
  3. Why your speech therapy may have failed.
  4. Why you may have had trouble breastfeeding.
  5. Why your face is shaped the way it is.
  6. Why your teeth are crooked again, even after ortho.

About Carmen

Carmen found her path of passion years ago as a dental hygienist.  After a stint in graduate school to earn her M.B.A., she left clinical hygiene practice to start her business, Integrative Myofunctional Therapy.  In addition to seeing clients in her private online practice, she also teaches the craft of myofunctional therapy in her Myo Mastery Program, coaches dental offices on how to implement myofunctional screening into the daily practice, and speaks frequently in various settings.

Carmen is a provider for the Foundation of Airway Health, where she works diligently for the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of airway related disorders.

In addition, she is a proud member of several professional associations that afford her the opportunity to learn so that she can help her clients.  Her professional memberships include: