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Connective Tissue and Tension…What Is the Connection?

Connective tissue and tension have a very intimate relationship within your body.  Connective tissue and tension combine to make you feel miserable sometimes!  Tension is a “normal” for many of you, but you never pay it any mind. Understanding how connective tissue plays a role in your tension will help you understand the importance of addressing it.


What Is Connective Tissue?

Many people confuse the terms connective tissue and fascia.  Fascia holds together all the connective tissues!  It keeps you together.  Whereas, connective tissue is a variety of tissue including bone, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and blood.

Why I See So Much Tension In My Clients

Since I do myofunctional therapy, connective tissue and tension is my jam.  Although, it’s an area of much confusion for my clients.  I encourage clients to google the term “anatomy trains” or go to their website to learn about the intricate relationship.  When you study some of the images from anatomy trains, you will see how I can have a client with a tongue-tie, but they have relief on the bottom of the feet when it is released.  It’s fascinating.

Connective Tissue and Tension…Have You Hear Of Rossiter?

Not that this helps my clients that I see via teletherapy, but I always like to throw this out there in case you can find a Rossiter coach in your area.  I am a Rossiter Connective Tissue Coach. Rossiter is a 2 person, connective tissue sports stretch.  I help clients “unwind from the inside out”.  It’s very fascinating how it works and my website will give you some insight, and then maybe you can google to see if there is a Rossiter coach in your area!

If You Have Concerns

By now, if you’ve been following me long enough…you know my path of passion here.  You know this stuff is on my heart like a brick and I’m here to serve, educate, and empower YOU to take this time to focus on YOU.

I spend countless hours creating content to educate you.  If any of my content makes you nod your head or resonates with you like a fire in your belly, YOU deserve to know more.  You deserve to be more. You deserve to be your best self.

How does myofunctional impairment look like for you?  Let’s unpack that.

Maybe it’s feeling like poop.  Day in and day out.  Maybe its exhaustion from poor sleep or a snoring partner.  Maybe it’s poor self-image because you don’t like how your face looks.  Maybe it’s poor parenting because you just don’t have the energy.

Now….ask yourself….what it might look like if you put YOU first, and made this your year, your month, your hour, your minute to make YOU a priority?

Does it look like you flying out of bed in the morning to voraciously face the day…because you’re rested?

Does it look like you having the energy to move your blessed, amazing body because you have untapped energy?

Does it look like you finally being able to shed those last 10-20-30 pounds because your energy and self-love have gone sky high?

Does it look like you finally feeling good?  No digestive issues or medications to mask the problem. 

Right now, is YOUR chance to take that first step to feel your best and live your best life.  Don’t short change yourself or make excuses.  Don’t put up barriers or start with the self-talking lies.  Make yourself a pinkie promise to start exploring your myofunctional impairment today.  Don’t let another year, month, hour, minute or second go by without you choosing to make YOU a priority.

It doesn’t cost you a dime to make a free 30-minute appointment with me to talk about you and what you should do.  Start. Today. 

About Carmen

Carmen found her path of passion years ago as a dental hygienist.  After a stint in graduate school to earn her M.B.A., she left clinical hygiene practice to start her business, Integrative Myofunctional Therapy.  In addition to seeing clients in her private online practice, she also teaches the craft of myofunctional therapy in her Myo Mastery Program, coaches dental offices on how to implement myofunctional screening into the daily practice, and speaks frequently in various settings.

Carmen is a provider for the Foundation of Airway Health, where she works diligently for the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of airway related disorders.

In addition, she is a proud member of several professional associations that afford her the opportunity to learn so that she can help her clients.  Her professional memberships include:

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