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How Do You Tell If a Myofunctional Therapy Client Is Progressing In Therapy?…..

Recently I’ve had many people reach out to me for second, third and fourth opinions. I’m getting asked this question daily: “Carmen, how do you tell if a myofunctional therapy client is progressing in therapy?”

First of all, that saddens me…because it means that the client doesn’t trust the opinion or guidance of the current therapist and that to me…is a huge red flag.

I think it is extremely important that my clients trust me and I believe that once it is questioned, things can never be the same.  (Knock on wood, but it hasn’t happened yet).  I think that is exactly because I go into every case as an individual and I create a step-by-step framework for therapy.  Does it always go as planned?  Heck no, but I’ve at least got a plan.

This business of people being in therapy with another therapist and going 4-6 months with no clearcut roadmap is a bunch of hogwash.  I think it’s imperative to have a plan, and then plan to deviate from the plan.  (How’s that for talkin’ in a circle?)

In this vlog, I get down to the brass tacks about how I tell if a myofunctional therapy client is progressing in therapy.


About Carmen

Carmen found her path of passion years ago as a dental hygienist.  After a stint in graduate school to earn her M.B.A., she left clinical hygiene practice to start her business, Integrative Myofunctional Therapy.  In addition to seeing clients in her private online practice, she also teaches the craft of myofunctional therapy in her Myo Mastery Program, coaches dental offices on how to implement myofunctional screening into the daily practice, and speaks frequently in various settings.

Carmen is a provider for the Foundation of Airway Health, where she works diligently for the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of airway related disorders.

In addition, she is a proud member of several professional associations that afford her the opportunity to learn so that she can help her clients.  Her professional memberships include: