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Are Braces Important for Kids?

As a myofunctional therapist, I often get asked whether braces are necessary for children. This question is not only common but also essential, as it touches on various aspects of a child’s dental, facial, and overall health. In this blog, we will explore the importance of braces for kids, the right time to consider them, and how they can positively impact your child’s future.



The Role of Braces in Dental Health


Correcting Misalignment

One of the primary reasons braces are recommended is to correct misaligned teeth. Crooked or crowded teeth can lead to various issues, including difficulty in cleaning, which may increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Proper alignment facilitated by braces ensures that teeth are easier to clean, promoting better oral hygiene.

Improving Bite

Malocclusion, or an improper bite, is another common issue that braces address. An incorrect bite can cause problems with chewing, speaking, and can even lead to jaw pain. By correcting bite issues, braces contribute to better functionality and comfort.

Preventing Future Problems

Early intervention with braces can prevent more severe dental issues later in life. By addressing misalignment and bite problems during childhood, braces can help avoid more complex treatments in adulthood.

Timing: When Should Kids Get Braces

Early Evaluation

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children have an initial orthodontic evaluation by the age of 7 however many practitioners that I work with recommend an evaluation much earlier than this.  A child should be evaluated at the first sign of tooth crowding or altered craniofacial development.  Sometimes this is as young as 4.  This early assessment allows orthodontists to detect potential issues and determine the best time to start treatment.

Individual Factors

The right time for braces varies depending on the individual child’s dental development and specific needs. Some children may require early intervention, while others might benefit from waiting until more permanent teeth have come in.

Benefits Beyond Aesthetics

While the aesthetic benefits of braces are well-known, their impact goes far beyond just creating a beautiful smile.

Enhanced Self-Esteem

A straight, attractive smile can significantly boost a child’s confidence and self-esteem. This psychological benefit can positively influence various aspects of their life, from social interactions to academic performance.

Improved Speech

Speech issues can sometimes be linked to dental problems. By correcting alignment and bite, braces can help improve speech clarity and reduce lisps or other speech impediments.

Better Digestion

Properly aligned teeth and a correct bite improve chewing efficiency, which is essential for proper digestion. Good digestion is crucial for overall health, as it ensures that the body can absorb nutrients effectively. (Read our blog: Unveiling the Secrets to Optimal Digestion and Wellness)

Myofunctional Therapy and Orthodontics

As a myofunctional therapist, I work closely with orthodontists to ensure comprehensive treatment for children requiring braces. Myofunctional therapy focuses on correcting habits and muscle function that affect dental and facial development. This therapy can enhance the effectiveness of braces and help maintain the results long-term.

Habit Correction

Thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, and mouth breathing are habits that can negatively impact dental alignment. Myofunctional therapy addresses these issues, creating a healthier environment for orthodontic treatment.

Muscle Training

Strengthening and training the muscles of the mouth and face can support the movement of teeth into their correct positions and ensure stability after braces are removed.


Braces play a crucial role in ensuring the dental and overall health of children. They not only correct misalignment and bite issues but also contribute to improved oral hygiene, better digestion, and enhanced self-esteem. Early evaluation and timely intervention are key to maximizing the benefits of orthodontic treatment. Additionally, combining braces with myofunctional therapy can provide a holistic approach to achieving a healthy, functional, and beautiful smile.

If you have concerns about your child’s craniofacial development or are considering braces, consulting with a myofunctional therapist can provide the best comprehensive care for your child’s unique needs.


Additional Reading For You:

Finding My Airway Orthodontic Team Near Me

Why Is Early Orthodontic Treatment Necessary For Children?

Airway Orthodontics: Become an Advocate For Your Child



I am a Talking Toxins graduate!

Meet Carmen Woodland


Carmen found this path of passion years ago as a dental hygienist.

Her story is personal and close to home.  Her sweet granddaughter, Linzee, was passed back and forth amongst doctors and therapists for years trying to figure out her speech, breathing, sleep, chewing and swallowing issues.  It wasn’t until Carmen completed post graduate training that  she knew Linzee’s problem was a significant tongue-tie. Bingo.

Fast forward to now.  Carmen is a crusader. An international wellness warrior like you’ve never met!

Carmen has continued her wellness education to include certifications in nutrition, toxins, environmental health, blood chemistry and sleep.

Carmen helps tired humans feel better.  Yep–that can sound like a pretty generic term, but the results she gets for clients distills down to them feeling like their most amazing self…energetic + vibrant + rested + living without anxiety, dread, and other similar symptoms.

Carmen doesn’t “just do myofunctional therapy.”  Her magic happens when she tackles the root cause of poor sleep, digestion, weight gain, snoring, chronic fight or flight, mindfulness and more. It’s “More Than Myo™”!

Regardless of how much myofunctional therapy you do, if your blood sugar regulation is a mess, then sleep won’t be optimized.  If you’re trying to solve snoring with weight loss, but can’t lose an ounce, maybe you need to take a look at the vicious cycle of sugar and processed carbohydrate addiction or “adrenal fatigue”.  If your digestion is a mess, simply releasing your tongue tie won’t solve the whole equation.  If you’re trying to learn how to nasal breathe but are a congested mess, perhaps you need some food sensitivity testing to see where your inflammation is coming from.

This is the work that Carmen and her team at Impact Myofunctional Therapy / Impact Health Restoration work on.

No easy answers.  No easy clients.

Carmen works with clients all over the world in her practice.

In addition, she also

Carmen is also an airway provider for the Foundation of Airway Health, where she works diligently for the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of airway-related disorders.

And last but not least, Carmen is a proud member of several professional associations that afford the opportunity to learn so that she can help you.  Her professional memberships include: