Sleep Apnea and Bed Wetting In Children
Sleep Apnea and Bed Wetting In Children Sadly, the connection between sleep apnea and bed wetting in children is largely overlooked and misunderstood. As more and more healthcare professionals are understanding sleep-disordered breathing, this is becoming a highly...Why Is Sleep Apnea Concerning? A Facebook Live Discussion
Why Is Sleep Apnea Concerning? This week during my Facebook Live I dive into all the reasons that make sleep apnea concerning. I talk about the symptoms: HBP (50% of all people with OSA have HBP) Strokes….60% of stroke Diabetes up to 40% of people with OSA have this...Talking About Posture
Talking About Posture When you have a tongue-tie and your connective tissue space is altered, your posture most certainly is affected also. Are your ears in front of your shoulders? This is called forward head posture and it’s extremely common in clients with...Connective Tissue and Tension: How CT Plays a Role In Your Body Tension
Connective Tissue and Tension…What Is the Connection? Connective tissue and tension have a very intimate relationship within your body. Connective tissue and tension combine to make you feel miserable sometimes! Tension is a “normal” for many of...How Connective Tissue Is Connected
How Connective Tissue is Connected Connective tissue is often overlooked in the tongue-tie arena. Understanding your connective tissue and how it is connected will be important. If You Have Concerns By now, if you've been following me long know my path...My Personal Story With a Tongue Thrust
Learn about my personal story with a tongue thrust.