What Is Airway Orthodontics?
What Is Airway Orthodontics? Have you heard the scuttlebutt about “airway orthodontics” and wonder what is best for your child? Or perhaps you’re confused that a new fandangled way of straightening teeth has come about and now you have to spend hours...
Symptoms of a Tongue Tie
Symptoms of a Tongue Tie In my practice, I meet hundreds of tongue tied humans every year. Many of these are adults and it blows my mind how many of them only recently discovered the realm of tongue ties and the possibility that they might have one. It also...
Understanding Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome
Understanding Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options Many of our clients have had sleep studies and have been told that they have Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS) but the conversation usually ends there. I’m not sure if...
How do you diagnose orofacial myofunctional disorders?
How do you diagnose orofacial myofunctional disorders? Given that the field of orofacial myofunctional therapy is growing by leaps and bounds, more and more people are reaching out wondering how and who will diagnose orofacial myofunctional disorders. This is an...
Where Should I Place the Tip of My Tongue?
Correct tongue and oral posture is important for correct cranofacial growth. In this article, learn how correct tongue posture begins with tongue on the spot.