Finding My Airway Orthodontic Team Near Me
When I was growing up, braces weren’t such a “right of passage” into “teenagerhood”. In fact, I was in college before my dad felt confident that I wouldn’t get my teeth knocked out on the basketball court. Just like all the other...A Myofunctional Therapy Conversation
I recently joined my associate, Jessica for a myofunctional therapy conversation to help parents understand what matters when it comes to your child and his or her optimum facial development and health. In our myofunctional therapy conversation we unpacked six...Common Causes of Jaw Pain & How To Treat
Jaw pain is a hot topic right now and a large portion of people whom I do exams on are experiencing or have experienced TMD or jaw pain / craniofacial pain / orofacial pain in the past. I won’t use all of those terms throughout this article but pain is pain, it’s...Why Is Early Orthodontic Treatment Necessary For Children?
My team and I are immersed in the airway orthodontic world and spend so much time helping parents understand why early orthodontic treatment is necessary for children. It is the one area that parents tend to go cross-eyed when I’m explaining why just putting braces...Is My Tongue-Tie Reattaching?
Many clients are concerned about their frenectomy reattaching. There are several things that can be done to improve the success of a lingual frenectomy. Knowing what questions to ask your provider to understanding the importance of myofunctional therapy can help you out.