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Going from Curious to Confident

If you’re like the bajillion other people wondering about myofunctional impairment, then today I am your hero!   In this weeks video, I talk about the myofunctional assessment tool that I use and many of my “village family” use!  You see, in the world of myofunctional impairment, I am a tiny but very important piece of the puzzle!  This puzzle is the village.  You’ve heard the phrase “it takes a village” right?  Well, thats what I’m referring to!  In some cases of myofunctional impairment, it takes a village of people to get you firing on all 8 cylinders again!

These other village family members might be

  • ENT
  • Allergist
  • Sleep doctor
  • Nutritionist
  • Dentist
  • Chiropractor
  • Craniosacral Therapist
  • Orthodontist

Of course there may be others too, and it also depends upon the severity of your case.

But anyhow, I got off topic…many of my village partners use this myofunctional assessment screening tool to help figure out if it makes sense to move on to a paid comprehensive exam.  The last thing I ever want someone to do is pay for an exam and have me say “well golly, you’re just fine oh yeah…..and thanks for the money!”  Not gonna happen in my practice!

This is why I want you to take a few minutes and watch my video today.  I’m going to talk about how you can use the myofunctional assessment tool to figure out if you have some concerns!  After that you will want to get an exam with a myofunctional therapist! 

Also,  if you want the FREE assessment tool, I’m happy to email it to you.  Just check out the box at the bottom of this post, and its yours!

If You Have Concerns

By now you should feel like this stuff is very important to me.  This is why I do what I do.  This is why I feel so passionate about educating people.  I seize every opportunity to make a difference.  Don’t let another year, month, day, or hour go by that you don’t consider the serious consequences of SDB.  At a minimum, schedule a free 30 minute assessment with me so we can visit about your concerns.

About Carmen

Carmen found her path of passion years ago as a dental hygienist.  After a stint in graduate school to earn her M.B.A., she left clinical hygiene practice to start her business, Integrative Myofunctional Therapy.  In addition to seeing clients in her private online practice, she also teaches the craft of myofunctional therapy in her Myo Mastery Program, coaches dental offices on how to implement myofunctional screening into the daily practice, and speaks frequently in various settings.

Download the Getting Started Guide

Download this helpful guide to alleviate some of the confusion about where to start!