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Comprehensive Assessment Appointment

Follow Instructions To Prepare Adequately

What You Need To Know

Thank you for booking your comprehensive evaluation with me. Please allow enough time for this appointment.

Before our appointment, there are a few things you need to know and do:

1. You should receive an email with your appointment details. Please make sure the email is correct and add it to your calendar.

2. Make sure you find me on Skype, crabbiejack2 (Impact Myofunctional Therapy). Send me a request so I can add you.  This helps me know who is contacting me!  You will contact me when it is our appointment time.  You can also use this link:

3. Check your internet speed and requirements here.

4. Make sure your video camera and speakers are working. Read here for troubleshooting.

5. Make sure you are using the most up to date version of Chrome and Skype.  You may also need to make sure that other programs are not already using your microphone and speakers.  To troubleshoot this problem, start by quitting or stopping all other programs that are running.  Before each call, please place a call to the robot on Skype to make sure you’re good to go!

6.  Effective July 2022, we have updated our paperwork.  Please download your Client Welcome Packet 3.0 and complete the pages that apply to you.  Please email your paperwork to  It is very important that this paperwork is sent back as a PDF.  There are many free apps that will turn your phone into a scanner and you can save the file as a PDF.  Our software needs the information to be in the form of a PDF. If you already did this, you can skip this step!

7.  Follow the directions for the required photos below (be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page).  Make it super easy by SHARING the photos/videos via Google Drive or Dropbox where you can share the whole folder or email them to 

Thank you so much and I look forward to talking with you. If you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached at

PLEASE!!  PLEASE!!  At least 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment, be sure to send these photos AND the discovery checklist to

Make it super easy by SHARING the photos/videos via Google Drive or Dropbox where you can share the whole folder.  Remember… This might be a different email address than you’ve received your appointment confirmations from.

** Please make sure that all photos are clear and not blurry or too DARK.  If you have taken a photo inside the mouth and it’s dark, please RETAKE IT WITH A FLASH or in better lighting!  A blurry or dark photo is not diagnostic.  Save time by making sure your photos are useful!

Additional Requirements For Youth Exams

  1. Photo of youth sleeping
  2. Full body photo against a solid-colored wall as a backdrop
  3. Video of youth sleeping (long enough to capture any snoring or mouth breathing)
  4. Video of youth telling a short story
  5. Video of youth swallowing water
  6. Video of youth chewing and swallowing a cracker or similar item

Additional Requirements For Adult Exams

  1. Video drinking water
  2. Video chewing and swallowing a cracker or similar item
  3. Full body photo against a solid-colored wall as a backdrop