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Myofunctional Therapy and 8 Cylinders

How in the heck do myofunctional therapy and 8 cylinders go together in the same sentence?  Well, I love making analogies that make sense and I am very confident that everyone reading this can picture a beat up old car limping along….barely getting by.  Do you see it?  This car would not be in top-notch running performance.

People with myofunctional impairment are not running on all 8 cylinders.  Even worse, they might not even know it!  When someone has myofunctional impairment, it can prevent adequate breathing, digestion, and sleep…just to name a few.

In this video, it will all make sense and you will understand how myofunctional therapy and 8 cylinders go together!

About Carmen

Carmen found her path of passion years ago as a dental hygienist.  After a stint in graduate school to earn her M.B.A., she left clinical hygiene practice to start her business, Integrative Myofunctional Therapy.  In addition to seeing clients in her private online practice, she also teaches the craft of myofunctional therapy in her Myo Mastery Program, coaches dental offices on how to implement myofunctional screening into the daily practice, and speaks frequently in various settings.

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