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“Carmen is awesome to work with and a fantastic teacher! Although my time spent with her wasn’t the conventional timeframe, due to getting pregnant and having hyperemesis gravidarum, which caused having to take a break in the middle, I still feel like I got the best therapy that I could have. Carmen customizes therapy for her clients while still teaching the skills that everyone needs to learn. I highly recommend using her for your myofunctional therapy needs!”

“Who would think a 69 year old woman should have tongue tie release? I am sooo happy I did. My sister had it done also, and the word we keep using about it is “crazy”. It’s just crazy that it makes such a difference in how we feel. Through Myofunctional Therapy, I learned how to retrain my tongue and that I had not been swallowing correctly for all these years because my tongue was physically unable to cooperate. The changes for me were huge. For years I had discomfort and pain in the right side of my neck. That began to decrease immediately after release and is now gone completely. Therapy helped me to breathe through my nose and keep my mouth closed with my tongue positioned correctly. It is so much more comfortable. Every day I realize the dramatic difference that everything is more comfortable, my constant neck discomfort is gone, and I breathe more easily without stuffiness. I wish I had done this years ago, but am glad at least that I have made this health improvement for my senior years.”

Hello Carmen,

I hope you are doing well! I feel so bad it has taken me so long to get back to you as I promised you after completing therapy. It has been busy but I also wanted to make sure I send you a complete list of the improvements I have experienced because they are literally life-changing!
  • almost exclusive nasal breathing (even while exercising!)
  • tongue is resting on the palate
  • no more headaches (used to have daily headaches and migraines)
  • during my last pregnancy I experienced multiple debilitating migraines that would last for over 24 hours. In my current pregnancy I have had zero migraines/headaches
  • better swallowing pattern (less tongue thrust, still working on this though)
  • better facial symmetry
  • no more snoring
  • improved tongue mobility (easier to remove trapped food from in between teeth)
  • overall less tension in the head/shoulder area
All in all it has just been such an incredibly rewarding journey and I cannot thank you enough for helping me through it all.

“I have just finished my myofunctional therapy with Carmen and I am very pleased with the results. I had symptoms such as bad posture, chronic neck pain, TMJ, stomach/digestive issues, dust allergies, etc. My hope was that having my tongue-tie released and myofunctional therapy might help improve these symptoms, but I could not have imagined that these symptoms would be virtually eliminated. A tongue-tie release alone is only about 20% of the equation, without myofunctional therapy it is impossible to achieve ideal results. With Carmen’s guidance and exercises, I was able to go way beyond what I expected to achieve.

Thank you, Carmen!”


“Carmen has done a phenomenal job working with my son. She started out really educating us about myofunctional therapy and the negative comprehensive affects that a tongue tie can have on an individual. This last year of therapy has been a journey and we are pleased with Kellan’s results. He is a better sleeper, eater and over all a happier kid. Carmen was always very thoughtful and did a great job making the exercises fun! you Carmen!”


“I’ve just finished a year of therapy with Carmen and my results are amazing. My range of motion has significantly increased. I have less jaw pain and my digestion has improved. She’s a great teacher and I’ve learned all the tools I need to go forward and continue my exercises on my own. Thank you Carmen!”


“My daughter had bad heartburn and myofunctional therapy fixed it!  Amazing and not what I expected!  Slowing her eating and doing a proper swallow with her “tongue on the spot” did it.  Couldn’t be happier!  Thank you Carmen!”

“I would not have realized the results I did with release alone. OMT is an essential [iece of the puzzle in order to train muscles to work differently. Carmen led me through the process very efficiently & easily through Skype with great results. Her style is very pleasant, almost as if you’re working with a friend. She’s also a dental hygienist so she has had many years of expertise with treating the mouth, so this is just another extension of that. The financial options she offers help to make therapy accessible to everyone.

I’m extremely happy that I chose carmen for my therapy. You will be too!”


“Carmen has a warm, engaging manner and is very knowledgeable and patient. She guided and supported me through the frenectomy process and the following therapy sessions have made a big difference.

My partner is very relieved as I no longer snore!”
